Sunday, December 28, 2008

Double Portion in 09'

With the new year fastly approaching, everyone is into making lists of what they plan to change and what they want for their lives that they didn't have in 08'. In this new year, I want God to bless me not only with what I desire, but in a double portion. In Isaiah 61:7, it says, "God promises that instead of shame and trouble, God will double the inheritance of His people and they'll be filled with everlasting joy."

God promises double for our trouble. I looked back at 2007 and 2008 and I have just about had it with trials and tribulations. It seems the harder I fought, the tougher it got. Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't unbearable, because that's simply not God's will. It was just rather trying. I know that because of my diligence and endurance, God is going to honor me.

That goes for you as well. No matter what your situation looks like, God can give you a complete turn around in 24 hours. That is the amazing thing about God, He's always in control and knows what's best for us. Whether we want it or not, God ultimately knows what is best for us. When we surrender to His will, all things fall in place.

I'm an advit Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland supporter and it seems that their messages are always on time. The last 2 messages stood out the most to me though. Osteen talked about God's promise to you: double for your trouble, or as he likes to call it, TWICE the LIFE! A "double portion" of God's goodness, a "double portion" of His favor and wisdom on your life. That was such a blessing to me because I often forget all the promises that God has spoken over my life. That happens when you are in the midst of the storm, you have trouble seeing your way out. You have to stay focused and know that something is in the works for your good. The destiny that God has promised is still yours for the having, you just have to hold on and believe.

Kenneth Copeland's message was about the 24-hour turn around with God. He talked about how we sometimes get problem-centered instead of Word of God centered. As a people we let ourselves be so surrounded with the loud voice of the world that the vision of our victory is pushed out of sight. This happens to us all, but we have to catch ourselves in the midst of it all and know that God is not a God that will make us ashamed. We can be victorious even in the situation where we are sure to be defeated. The God in us is bigger than any problem that we can ever face.

All in all, we have to begin to put our past behind us and expect something great in the new year. I know you've said this mantra time and time again, but this time, say it with your actions. If you want that dream house, that ideal mate, a beautiful child or even a career change, trust God for that. Dream big and don't settle. All things are possible with God. Even when it looks like that dream may not come into fruition, keep believing. Don't stop pushing. That means you're at the cusp of a breakthrough.

I hope this has blessed you as much as it has blessed me. That is how God operates. As He (God) ministers through you, He ministers to you! I feel much more empowered! This is our year! Now, let's wipe these tears up and prepare for a breakout year, because it's coming! I CAN FEEL IT!

~ Flyness and Blessings

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