Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Let Tomorrow Get Here

Now, this is an area that I am notorious for, well, I have been in the past. I'm getting better. Worrying about tomorrow, next week, or even something later on in the year. What God has shown me time and time again is that, I am not to worry about tomorrow, because He is not done blessing me today.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the many daily victories that God has delivered me from. When I wake up each morning, I say, "Lord, I need a miracle today." Now, to me, a miracle is something that happens, that is totally against the odds, something that was statistically not supposed to happen. Now, when some people think miracles, they think of turning water into wine, the red sea parting, and being resurrected from the ground. But God performs tiny miracles on our behalves daily. Whether it be a court case being thrown out, not getting a ticket, an extra day off, your hair growing, face clearing up, a parking space, your flu mysteriously going away, someone giving you a coupon, a pair of shoes at a ridiculous price only in your size. Well, you get my drift.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:

because he trusts in thee." Isaiah 26:3

God is in the business of providing daily bread. He wants to take care of you day by day. Go back to the Lord's prayer. The 6th line says it clear, "Give us this day our daily bread". Not our weekly, monthly bread, yearly bread, but daily. If we pray this prayer faithfully, daily, we will be provided all we need. That's all God wants us to do. Its like winning the lotto. Instead of taking the cash option for 1 million dollars, we get a daily allotment of our riches. Lord knows if we had 1 million in our hands right now, it wouldn't be a dime left at the end of the year. (Don't judge my analogy, you get my point..lol) God wants to assure that you have all you need, when you need it. Every single day.

"Be anxious about nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6, 7

For if we dwell on tomorrows struggles with today's strength, what fuel will we have to face our "right now"? None. God said it so clearly in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Incredible huh? God knew that worry would be a reoccurring demon . He knew it would be easy for us to fall into the trap of looking at the negatives vs the positive. He knew that we would not always understand our journey. But He did know that we would be able to overcome it because He wrote it in His word and His words are true.

"All things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

What we will deal with and have dealt with is nothing new to God. If He told us everything right now, what would be the use of living to see it. Its like Christmas coming and you find out EVERY thing Santa brought. You're not sitting on the edge of your bed waiting for Christmas breakfast, to rush down to the tree, the anticipation would be gone. That same feeling can be equated to what God is going to do for your each day. On top of God granting you a new day, He will grant you small miracles throughout that very day, along with the strength to face anything that you will find along your path.

Stop worrying about what 2011 will be like, 2010 has just gotten started. Stop worrying about May, June & July, God has yet to bring you out of this month. Stop worrying about what February 12, will be comprised of, February just got here. And you need not be concerned with how to deal with your boss at the Thursday meeting because you don't know what will be waiting on your desk today. The truth to the matter is that there is no greater author than God. He is constantly strengthening and renewing us for our next chapter. When we go back and read our story, we will see His daily works on our behalf. Stand firm and know that He is refueling you as we speak for tomorrow, so use all the fuel you have right now for today!

Living this day all the way out... tomorrow will be here soon enough...



Alycia's Hot Spot! said...

Another well written inspirational post. Thanks so much! I have to constantly remind myself of Phillipians 4:6,7,8.

prashant said...

I know now that I need to continue to pray and wait until I hear God speak.

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