Since I'm still in the answered prayer mood, let's talk a little more about it. I was thinking about how when I was little I used to ask my parents for something and they assured that I would get it. When I didn't get it that VERY moment, I lost it. And me badgering them about it didn't make them move any quicker. Whether it was a trip to McDonald's or to Disney World, they gave it to me when they saw fit, in their timing.
Same thing with the big homie G-O-D ( ok, that was lame, I know.. lol) . He already knows that we want this, we would love to have this, we need this. That's not important to Him. Calm, down. He is certainly concerned about us being supplied for. What I am saying is that God is concerned first and foremost about our relationship with Him. He wants to be assured that we love Him enough to know that whatever we have need of will be taken care of. "Things" mean nothing, "we" mean everything.
I have caught myself so many times praying for the same thing or throwing a spiritual tantrum about the same ol' same ol'. I can literally hear God saying, " My child, if you could just see what I see. If you could just see what next week, next month, or next year holds." You have to be able to hear His voice and accept His answer. Whether it is him telling you to leave the only man you've ever loved for the one He has for you to fulfill your purpose with, or to leave a high paying jop to go work for the church, or to go on a fast the day you get a coupon book for the local buffet. You have to be willing to accept what God says and what he allows.
I recently ordered a pizza and God spoke to me saying, "The same way you just ordered, I've heard your cries and supplication, your order is coming right up." And a light bulb came on. It was a "WOW" moment for me. When you order a pizza and they tell you your order will be ready in 30-45 minutes. You're supposed to just wait for the doorbell to ring right? No, you and your smart self decide to speed things up. lol. So, instead of waiting the allotted time, you decide to call again to place the same order repeatedly. The operator is like, "Ummm, didn't you just call? You're order is in route, just wait." It's common sense to wait right? Of course it is.
That's the same thing with prayer. You don't have to keep calling to place your order with God. First of all, he already knows your order when you call. Kinda how Pizza Hut knows you like a pan pizza with light sauce, heavy cheese, lots of veggies and NO MEAT! lol. (Ok, maybe that's just for me?!? lol) But really, God knows what you can bear, what you can handle, what you are equipped for. He takes all that into account when you place your "order". Sometimes we "order"the wrong things, but God knows just what is right for us.
So when you place our "order" next time with God, just wait. That's it. He will deliver. He always does. Your order is coming right up.......
~Fly Orderer